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Monthly Archives: July 2019

A Walk On The Wild Side


Queen Elizabeth Lace, Bog Road. Ballyloughnane.


Everything goes back to the beginning

Walking this morning on the ancient trails around Lough Derg (my very own “haunts of ancient peace”), I happened on an old memory. Right now the hedgerows and lanes are bursting with wild blossom of every conceivable kind but my attention was taken by one thing.  At first, I wasn’t even sure why it caught me so – this was one of those slow-dawning bolts from the blue (I mix good cocktails too, not just metaphors). It was a moment where I was afforded a rare insight into where it all started for me. It had never occurred to me that there was an actual starting point – but I guess all things have a beginning. So, was this my ‘musical big-bang moment’?

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